Senin, 22 Desember 2014

Analyzed the Fundamental Factors of Stock Return (empirical study of SRI Kehati Group which were registered in Indonesian Stock Exchange)

Analyzed the Fundamental Factors of Stock Return (empirical study of SRI Kehati Group which were registered in Indonesian Stock Exchange)

Perwito1,  Rita Zulbetti2

                                       Computerized Accounting Program               
Piksi Ganesha Polytechnic of Bandung

The objective of this research is to analyzed the Earning Per Share, Price Earning Ratio, Price Book Value, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Inflation, and Economic Growth  to Stock Return of SRI Kehati Group which were registered in Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2009 to 2013.
Historical data was taken from Indonesia Financial Statistic, Indonesian Stock Exchange, Statistic Center Bureau, Bank of Indonesia Monthly Report and Indonesia Capital Market Directory. The number of population for this research is 35 companies and the number of sample that examined after passed the purposive sampling is 17 companies. Analytical technique for this research is Dynamic Panel Data.
The results show that Earning Per Share, Price Earning Ratio, Price Book Value, and Economic Growth have a positive and significant influence to Stock Return, on the other hand Inflation, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate have a negative and significant influence to Stock Return.
Keywords : Stock Return; Fundamental Factors; Dynamic Panel Data.

The global financial crisis in early 2008 triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States causing companies subprime mortgage lender insolvent.The climax is on Monday, 28 September 2008 one of the leading financial institutions in the United States, namely Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. The bankruptcy news immediately spread and spread throughout the world, without exception of Indonesia.
At the time of the crisis, countries that have never been exposed to the financial crisis can not avoid the transmission, such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, Singapore, and of course, the impact is felt throughout the world, including developing countries such as Indonesia. Even today there are indications of an economic crisis caused by the crisis in Europe, primarily Greece crisis and penetrated the Middle East region, it is caused by the political turmoil in the Middle East.
The crisis events also occur in the form of financial difficulties, panic banking crisis or a systemic banking crisis, stock market crash, the bursting of financial bubbles the collapse of the currency, balance of payments difficulties, failure of repayment of government debt, or a combination of two or more events . The crisis affects the performance of the companies listed on the Exchange, so that could also affect the returns received by investors. This can be seen in the decline of the stock market and financial market.
The direct effect of the global financial crisis on the Indonesian economy is: in the exchange rate, the exchange rate in early 2008 persist at Rp 9,000, -, began to look to fluctuate in mid-September 2008. The climax on December 28, 2008 the exchange rate exceeded USD 12,650 per U.S. dollar, and today reoccur in the weakening exchange rate at Rp 11,423. (BI.go.id//Sept 16th, 2013). The situation is of course making companies that rely on imported raw materials into a panic.The decrease in the value of the rupiah will have implications for the rise in prices of goods that will eventually lead to inflation.
Another influence on the performance index in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Foreign ownership still dominates stake in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), inflict Indonesian stock market is vulnerable to the global financial situation. Many investors who invest their funds in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), a sudden large losses, the average of their assets lose up to 80%. (Bank Indonesia, 2010).
Performance of Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) on the Stock Exchange on the date of October 8, 2008 corrected to 10.38%, which makes the market authority closed the trading of securities and derivatives for two days. This step was taken to protect investors from losses even more. These conditions result in reduced public confidence in the stock market in Indonesia. This phenomenon resulted in the decline in investor interest in stock trading. Consequences that occurred stock price will decline. 
The stock price is often considered by investors in making investment decisions. Stock prices tend to rise in the short term will give the stock return in the form of capital gains, whereas in the long term means that the improvement in the financial performance of the company so as to allow investors to earn dividends. Instead stock prices tend to decline in the short term means that the investor will incur a loss (capital loss), whereas in the long term showed worsening financial performance of companies that investors suffered losses by not obtaining dividends.
In determining the value of stock investors need to pay attention to dividends and the expected earnings of the company in the future. The amount of the dividend and the expected earnings of a company will depend on the company's profit outlook. In stock valuation analysis, investors can perform fundamental analysis and technical analysis, fundamental analysis to assess the prospects of the company include the analysis of macro-economic, industry analysis and company analysis.
Macro fundamentals in terms of capital market analysis referred to state the fundamental factors, these factors are uncontrollable and therefore can not be controlled company. Macro fundamental factors include the following factors: (1) economic, (2) social, cultural, demographic and environment, (3) political power, government, and laws, (4) technology, and (5) competition (David, 2003) . In this study, the authors restrict the fundamental macroeconomic factors with indicators of inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, and economic growth. Data growth macro economic indicators; inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and economic growth can be seen in the following table:

Table 1
Development of Indonesia’s Macroeconomic Indicators
Year 2005-2012

Inflation (%)
BI Rate (%)
Exchange Rate (U.S. $)
Economic Growth (%)
   Sources: BPS, BI, (data processing)

Based on Table 1 above can be explained that the price reduction BBM the end of 2008 the country has lowered the rate of inflation to 2.78 percent in 2009. Similarly, the BI rate, by looking at the inflation rate of 2.78 percent BI rate also fell to 6.5 percent in 2009 and lasted until 2010.
Table above also shows the development of Indonesia's economic growth during the 2009 slump. The impact of the global financial crisis on the Indonesian economy began to be felt in the fourth quarter of 2008, where economic growth fourth quarter 2008 decreased by minus 3.6 percent compared to the third quarter of 2008 due to lower growth in exports of goods and services.
The macroeconomic fundamentals have a tendency to affect the stock market, either directly or indirectly, in which these factors will be responded to directly by the capital markets. This is in line with the opinion of the Tandelilin Siegel (2010) which explains the strong relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic performance, and find that the stock price changes always occur before the economy changes.
According to Crockett (1997) in Nezky financial stability is closely related to the health of an economy. The more healthy financial sector in a country, the more healthy the economy as well, and vice versa. Thus the development of the financial sector, including capital markets, is one of the indicators that need to be considered to maintain the health or stability of the economy. Price movements of stocks, bonds, and so on in the stock market of a country due to investors' perception of the condition of the capital markets. This perception will ultimately affect investment coming into the country, thus affecting the economic conditions of the country concerned.
Fundamental factor in the analysis of micro capital market is often referred to as the company's fundamentals, these factors are controllable so that it can be controlled company. Micro fundamentals can be grouped within a factor of company policy and company performance factor. The concept of a fundamental approach using the approach of the company's internal financial reports, financial reports are very useful for investors to determine the best investment decisions and profitable, investors can compare the intrinsic value of the company's stock than the stock market price of the company concerned. The results of the financial statements that could be the basis of such assessment; Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER), and Price Book Value (PBV).
Selection of SRI Kehati group as the sample is because this Index established as an additional investment guideline for investors by establishing a benchmark on stocks price of Listed Companies with excellent practices on supporting their sustainability through methods that concern about the environment, social and good corporate governance. The new Index is expected to enhance the exposure on Listed Companies that have performed their environmental and social responsibilities as well as good corporate governance.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of fundamental factors which consist of; EPS, PER, PBV, inflation (INF), exchange rate (IR), exchange rate (ER), and Economic Growth (GDP) to stock Return in the SRI Kehati group listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2013 period either individually (partial) or jointly (simultaneously).

2.1    Arbitrage Pricing Theory-Multi Factors Model
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is a theory of the relationship between risk and return are derived from the absence of arbitrage opportunities in the capital markets. APT was formed in the hope of closing the weakness Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM), which submits only one risk factor to take into account the existing volatility in individual securities or a portfolio of securities.
Multi Factors Model are developed concerning to the concept of Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), based on the assumption that various economic factors, either directly or indirectly, effect on stock returns. According to Amenc (2003), multi-factors model can be distinguished explicitly factor model with macroeconomic variables (Roll and Ross, 1980) and a model with firm-specific attributes factor (Fama and French, 1996) (Charthart, 1997). The basic model of the APT are as follows:

R i          =   actual return of assets during the period i, i = 1,2,3, ..., n
E (R i)    =   expected return for asset i if all risk factors had a probability equal to zero.
b ij         =   i asset return response to the movement of risk factor j.
δ i       =   number of factors or indices in common with the average zero affecting return on all assets.
e i          =   random error
n            =   number of assets

In general, fundamental analysis involves many variables the data is important enough to be addressed;
A.  Earning per Share (EPS)
Fabozzi and Peterson (2003) argued EPS "is earnings available for common shareholders, divided by the number of common shares outstanding." While Tandelilin (2010) suggested that EPS represent net that is ready to be distributed to shareholders divided by the number of shares to the company.
This ratio shows per share acquired by the company during a given accounting period. For the investor, EPS is information that is considered the most fundamental and useful, because it can describe the outlook for corporate earnings in the future.
B.  Price Earning Ratio (PER)
Tandelilin (2010) suggests that the PER or also referred to as earnings multipler is the amount investor dollars to be paid to acquire a company’s earning dollars. In other words, PER shows the magnitude of the price of every dollar of corporate earnings.
Fabozzi and Peterson (2003) who argued that "Many investors are interested in how the earnings are valued by the market. A measure of how these earnings are valued is the price-earnings ratio (P/E). This ratio compares the price per common share with earnings per common share. "
PER is high will lead to increased demand for the shares, as demand increases it will cause a rise in stock prices. The higher PER shares of a company, the higher the price per share is compared each share. This shows the higher interest of investors to own the stock.
C.  Price Book Value (PBV)
PBV portrait appreciate how big the market share of a company's book value. This ratio takes into account or compare market value (market price) and book value of a share, the higher the PBV ratio means the market believes the prospects for the company. This is in accordance with the Opinion Husnan (2005) who argued that "The greater the ratio the higher PBV companies rated by investors relative to the funds that have been invested in the company. Fama and French study also found that the PBV ratio has significant relationship with stock returns.

D.  Inflation (INF)
The decline in purchasing power, will affect the decline in demand for products as a result of a company's sales also declined. The decline in sales resulted in lower profits. Decline in corporate profits could affect stock prices, as investors would prefer investments that can provide higher returns. Consequently, if the stock price decreases, the value of the company also declined. Decline in stock prices occurred in accordance with the law of demand, the less quantity of goods demanded, then the price will decline.
E.  Interest Rate (IR)
Macroeconomic conditions or the market may be reflected in the interest rate. The interest rate will be reflected on the BI rate, the BI rate is the interest rate that reflects the attitude or policy of monetary policy set by Bank Indonesia and announced to the public.
Husnan (2005) explains, "interest rates will increase r, so that when other variables are held constant, the stock price will decline, in other words; it is expected that there is a negative correlation between movements in interest rates with market conditions."
Changes in interest rates can affect the variability of return of an investment. Theoretically, because it happens: when interest rates rise, the investment return related interests (e.g. deposits) will also rise. This condition will attract investors who previously invested in stocks will shift or move funds from stocks into the deposits. This if done jointly by investors to sell their shares and move in the form of deposits, then in accordance with the law of demand and supply, if a lot of the sellers of stocks, ceteris paribus, the stock price will go down.
F.   Exchange Rate (ER)
Exchange rate is the price or value of the local currency against foreign currencies. The actor in the international market is very concerned about the determination of foreign exchange (forex), because the exchange rate will affect the costs and benefits to the trade of goods, services and securities (Mudrajad, 2010).
A currency of a country highly susceptible to changes, a weaker exchange rate shows that the value of the rupiah depreciated against the U.S. dollar down. If the rupiah appreciation against the rupiah demand is declining and demand for dollars increases. The appreciation of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar would cause investors choose to sell part or all of its shares to be transferred to the foreign currency and then invest the savings elsewhere. This will cause the share price down so that impact on the return.
G. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
High economic growth illustrates increasing purchasing power (Mankiw, 2007). Increased purchasing power will spur increased economic activity or transaction, and is a positive signal for the company to improve its operations. Therefore, increased economic growth, directly or indirectly, will increase investment in the real sector and capital market activities, resulting in improved performance of the stock market, so it will have implications for stock return.

2.2 Stock Return
Measurement much stock returns using total return approach, total return is the overall return of an investment in a particular period; the total return is also often referred to return it. Total return consisting of capital gain (loss) and yield, capital gain or capital loss is the difference between the current price of investment relative to last period's price. Where as the yield is the percentage of cash receipts periodically the investment price of an investment period. For stocks, the yield is the percentage of dividend to share price the previous period. Jogiyanto (2009) describes the return calculation formula is as follows:

                                                                                                           ... (2)

Research Hypothesis
a.    There is a positive influence EPS, PER, PBV, and GDP on Stock Return (R) at SRI Kehati listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
b.    There is a negatively influence INF, IR, ER on Stock Return (R) at SRI Kehati listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

The population is the entire group of SRI Kehati company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the study period (2009 -2013). Total population in this study is as much as 36 companies to the SRI Kehati. The sampling technique through purposive sampling method in order to obtain appropriate samples for the purpose of research. Purposive sampling method is based on several considerations on certain criteria. Criteria for stocks that will do the research for the study sampled a group of SRI Kehati recorded throughout the study period. Based on these criteria, the number of samples used in this study were 17 companies, as shown in Table 2 below:

Table 2
Sample Research

Astra Agro Lestari Tbk.
Aneka Tambang Tbk.
Astra Internasional Tbk.
Bank Central Asia Tbk.
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk.
Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk.
Bank Mandiri Tbk.
Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk.
Indosat Tbk.
Kalbe Farma Tbk.
Medco Energi Internasional Tbk.
Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.
Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk.
Timah Tbk.
Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.
United Tractors Tbk.
Unilever Indonesia Tbk.
            Sumber: http//: www.idx.co.id

The model used is the author of Dynamic Panel Data that refer to the formulation of models of Arellano and Bond (1991).
R     = f (EPS, PER, PBV, INF, IR, ER, GDP)                                              …(3)
Rit    = a1Ri(t-1)1EPSit + ß2PERit + ß3PBVit + ß4INFit + ß5IRit + ß6 ERit + ß7GDPit +ɛit                ... (4)
R it              =  the dependent variable (Stock Return) every bank in period t
R i (t-1)   =  Lag1 of Stock Return
EPS         =  Earnings Per Share it in period t
PER it     =  Price Earning Ratio in period t
PBVit     =  Price Book Value at period t
INF it      =  Inflation in period t
IR it        =  Interest Rate in period t
ER it       =  Exchange Rate in period t
GDPit     =  GDP Growth in period t
i               =  Individual companies
t              =  Time of observation in the study (period 2009-2011)
α 1           =  Coefficient R i (t-1)
ß 1 ...ß 7  =  Coefficient EPS variables it ... GDP it
ɛit            =  Standard error

The following table shows the estimation results using the First-Differences Generalized Method of Moments (FD-GMM).

Table 3
Results Estimation Using FD-GMM Method

Std. Error

Arellano Bond Test
Sargan Test

Source: Eviews and STATA output (processed)

The results of the GMM estimation shows all the signs of the coefficients are consistent with the theory. Based on the estimates used in Table 3 can be formed estimation model Stock Return (R) as follows:

R      =  -0,127 R(t-1) + 0,089 EPS  - 0,018 PER  + 0,027 PBV -0,040 INF - 0,003 IR   - 0,056 ER + 0,283 GDP  + 9,773

a.    Partialy (individual) variable EPS, PER, PBV and GDP have a positive and significant influence to Stock Return (R). On the other hand, variables INF, IR and ER have a negative and significant influence to Stock Return (R).
b.    Taken together (simultaneously) variable EPS, PER, PBV, INF, IR, ER and GDP contributed significantly to the Stock Return (R) SRI Kehati group company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2013 period.


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